Saturday, December 22, 2007

Justice - Third Newspaper Article

Just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Thank you for your encouragement and support in all that is going on. I saved this article for this week, it was a touching moment in our lives and a prime example that everything is an event we can learn from.

The following weeks will include a video blog, if the technical aspects can be handled appropriately, and the details of the Haiti trip.

Article #3 Justice

The judge comes back into the courtroom and the bailiff addresses the court. “Would the defendant please rise.” The Judge smacks the gavel and says “I hereby sentence you to 20 years for the crime of…”

Sentencing…what a grim time, all hope is lost. Rules; as parents we are not only the law makers for our families, but also detectives, judges, and executioners (so-to-speak). The kids do pretty well as their own defense counselor and it’s usually quite a defense. I’d like to share a story from my household of such a trial.

One of my children came to a crossroad decision involving a sucker of the most desirable flavor that she wanted, but it belonged to someone else. Overtaken with desire…she took it, knowing it was wrong, but committed this offense just the same. When she began to eat it in the presence of her sister, the sibling with a prosecutor’s enthusiasm proclaimed her crime to my wife. Both of my children are great kids, but kids do sometimes learn the hard way. As my wife put on her detective hat to determine the validity of the case, a tear filled confession was heard. Now since I wasn’t present 1st hand, my wife ruled over the case. In light of the confession she moved to the sentencing.

Every crime carries its own punishment. Some are just minor infractions that can be handled with simple disapproval and a verbal reprimand. But some like the ‘Big Ten’ from the bible receive maximum punishment, which refers to the “Rod”, a wooden paddle we keep hanging in the laundry room. Just before the execution is to take place, I felt the usual feeling of mercy wash over me, not wanting my daughter to go through this. Then, I felt in my heart a way to teach a lesson in her time of crisis. I stayed the hand of justice for a few minutes to remind her of how Christ came to earth to save us from our sins, not by mercy, but by taking our punishment for us on the cross. But, here in this situation, a full reprieve wasn’t justified. Therefore, I volunteered to take half of her punishment for her. So my daughter and I bent over the couch holding hands and received two licks each. The three of us shared a moment of embrace and then I told her, like Christ from the cross “It is done.” Sentence served.

Maybe you’ll find my methods unusual or uncanny but my youngest daughter will remember the cross and her salvation in a memorable way. And my wife had a dream come true (She’d been threatening to spank me for years).

This Christmas, don’t miss the opportunity to share in God’s love with your children. One day, we all will sit in front of God’s judgment seat and I want to hear “It is done. Sentence Served!” Don’t miss the real reason for Christmas.

Bless the people of Meade Co. with the knowledge of your undying love. Help us see your goodness in this season and find that special gift called Christ. In Jesus name… Amen


Remember Look up, Live Life, and be Thankful

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.

Hope in the Dark

Article published Dec. 30, 2009 Meade County Messenger Hope in the Dark by Kevin Hatfield Radio transmission… (Widowmaker main…Widow...