His Sacrifice
Two more days, that’s all he had left. His bags were packed and by the door. He would spend the last two days with his wife and kids. Christmas brings many surprises, but this year Christmas came early. By the time Christmas comes he will already be flying combat missions in Afghanistan. His life as an Apache Pilot has brought him another tour of combat in the war on terror, his 4th to be exact.

I saw with my own eyes how the sadness was setting in and the reality of his leaving is like a landslide with no way of moving out of its path. His sacrifice and determination to accomplish the mission, ensures that my Christmas will be one without bombs, IED’s, sniper fire, or tragedy at my door step. My friend will spend his Christmas away from his family while I snuggle up with mine in front of the fireplace. He does it all without complaining, that’s his job. That’s his mission, he’s an officer. There is a job to do, and he’ll see it done.
God looked down from Heaven at the earth he created and the sin that had covered the land. The people were lost in a sea of wrongs with no way of rescue. God’s heart was broken at the thought of his people drowning. He searched all of heaven for a way to save them. Jesus looked him squarely in the eye and said “Let me go.” God knew that without him all was lost. The enemy would win and terror would rip through the earth without a way of escape. Jesus left heaven with one purpose in mind, to fight for and to save all of humanity. To build a “bridge” to safety; a “bridge” built with love, hope, kindness, and the ultimate sacrifice. His mission: to lay down his life so you and I could walk to safety thru a life with God.
This Christmas I pray we look past ourselves, our pettiness, our grudges and arguments. That it wouldn’t be about what we can get, or even what we can give. But that we would honor him with hearts full of gratitude and love. Spend time with your loved ones, there are those who cannot. Cherish the life you have, by sharing it with someone else.
God bless our troops around the world, and may Christmas find you loving your family.
Two more days, that’s all he had left. His bags were packed and by the door. He would spend the last two days with his wife and kids. Christmas brings many surprises, but this year Christmas came early. By the time Christmas comes he will already be flying combat missions in Afghanistan. His life as an Apache Pilot has brought him another tour of combat in the war on terror, his 4th to be exact.
I saw with my own eyes how the sadness was setting in and the reality of his leaving is like a landslide with no way of moving out of its path. His sacrifice and determination to accomplish the mission, ensures that my Christmas will be one without bombs, IED’s, sniper fire, or tragedy at my door step. My friend will spend his Christmas away from his family while I snuggle up with mine in front of the fireplace. He does it all without complaining, that’s his job. That’s his mission, he’s an officer. There is a job to do, and he’ll see it done.
God looked down from Heaven at the earth he created and the sin that had covered the land. The people were lost in a sea of wrongs with no way of rescue. God’s heart was broken at the thought of his people drowning. He searched all of heaven for a way to save them. Jesus looked him squarely in the eye and said “Let me go.” God knew that without him all was lost. The enemy would win and terror would rip through the earth without a way of escape. Jesus left heaven with one purpose in mind, to fight for and to save all of humanity. To build a “bridge” to safety; a “bridge” built with love, hope, kindness, and the ultimate sacrifice. His mission: to lay down his life so you and I could walk to safety thru a life with God.
This Christmas I pray we look past ourselves, our pettiness, our grudges and arguments. That it wouldn’t be about what we can get, or even what we can give. But that we would honor him with hearts full of gratitude and love. Spend time with your loved ones, there are those who cannot. Cherish the life you have, by sharing it with someone else.
God bless our troops around the world, and may Christmas find you loving your family.
Dedicated to CW3 Marcus Hazel 101st Airborne deployed to Afghanistan. Thanks for all you do.
Remember Look Up, Live Life, and Be Thankful
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