Monday, November 26, 2007

Bill & Bruce

Today I witnessed an awesome display of Christ's love to a stranger, but before I give you the details I need to paint you a picture.

A friend of mine and I were traveling to the Oklahoma City area for a project. He was driving a tractor trailer and I my pick up truck. We started this journey Sunday morning at 10 am and stopped for the night in Joplin, Missouri (7 miles from the Oklahoma line). It rained on us almost the whole trip, we stopped last night about 8pm. This morning we got up eat a little breakfast and started back at it. It was about 45 degrees and drizzling. Bill, my friend, started up the on ramp of I44 and stopped right in the road. As I approached behind him and come to a stop, he took off again. I hollar'd at him on the CB and ask what the deal was and this was his reply "I had to stop and pick up Bruce. It was the Christian thing to do." I ask "You picked up somebody?" He again clarified for me that he picked up a hitchhiker. I was astounded on many levels.

What seemed funny to me at first was Bill had just turned onto the ramp when he stopped. He hadn't had the time to think about the options but for a second or two before he made his decision. So I hollar'd at him again and told him to tell Bruce, our new found friend the hitchhiker, 'Welcome aboard.'

As we continued up the ramp and onto I44 several intriguing thoughts ran through my mind. One this could be a little dangerous for Bill, two where were we taking him, and three where would he go when we got there.

To give you a few more details, the previous days journey and conversation with Bill had clued me in to a couple of known facts. Bill brought almost no money for this trip. He brought some lunch meat, bread, a 12pack of Mountain Dew, and only 2 packs of cigarettes to last him the week, and the reason he was on this trip with me, instead of home on vacation like most of the road crews this time of year, was because he was trying to pick up a little extra cash. Now to tell you about the character of Bill. He is one of the good guys. Give you the shirt off his back, helps everyone, hard worker, good dad, eats like a goat :), etc. Couldn't ask for a better guy.

Back to the story: Knowing all of this, I pass them a few times as we played Indian Run down the freeway (If you've never played this game, it's just simple passing and then being passed over and over to pass the boredom) and I see Bruce flip out cigarettes and drinking from the famous green can. About lunch time we stop at a Mac's steakhouse for lunch (McDonald's for all you non traveling, non fast food types). As I hopped out I ask if Bruce is going to join us for lunch and Bill replies 'Oh yeah!' ( I ask because I wasn't going to let him go hungry if Bill hadn't already invited him) Invited, Bill bought his lunch!!! I've of course already thinking about putting this on the blog and knew I needed to get a picture at the opportune time. We got the food to go and head out again.

After finding Oklahoma City and heading south on I35 we came to a Scenic Turnout (as they call in out here, we more edumacated states like Indiana would simple call it an Overlook) and with a little nudge from me (besides I'm the Boss) we pull semi and all over to take in the view (and pictures:). It was a nice view, but only briefly before we finish the 30 miles to Ardmore, OK which was our destination. We parked the semi at a Love's Truck stop and hopped out. Bruce had gathered his gear, sleeping bag and all (as I parked) and heading across the parking lot. I bailed out and yelled for him to come back for a minute. I rounded up my guys, Bill, Dave, Myself, and our new friend to say goodbye's. The 4 of us held hands and I prayed for Bruce, for safe travels to his brother's in Dallas, and that a good driver with a kind heart would carry him to his destination. We supplied Bruce with enough money for supper and coffee and away he went, just as quick as he appeared, he was gone again. Nothing left but an old toboggan he forgot in the cab of the truck as he warmed his weary body and traveled in our company.

Looking back from the end of my day at the emotional events of our journey this afternoon, I'm left with only these thoughts: Bruce may not remember the ride he took with Bill, nor Bill may not remember the kindness of heart he has shown, but today I will remember again and again, as I travel the drizzly roads and see someones thumb amidst the cold.

I again pray for Bruce, where ever he is tonight. I remember him as a man out of the cold and in the warmth of kindness only you can provide. I'm not only grateful for the kindness of my friend Bill, but for reminding me of the way things should be. Your word says 'Love your neighbor as yourself' and I saw that today in a man with almost nothing, sharing with a man with nothing. Keep Bruce safe in your arms and lead his heart into your kingdom. In Jesus name... Amen

Remember Look up, Live life, and be thankful!!!


Friday, November 23, 2007


Thanksgiving!!! What a time to spend with family and friends. I'm sure many of you have overdone your diet and had that mixed feeling of happiness and misery at the same time. One of the things we do around our home is talk about the things we are thankful for. In the season of Thanksgiving we should show gratitude to those we love as well as The Almighty. For both His provision and the Harvest. I had lunch with a missionary friend of mine last sunday and he was explaining how Hurricaine Noel had ravished the tomato crop in the Dominican Republic, which is a major export of theirs to the US for ketchup. So their harvest is ruined. No really, how bad are your problems? Don't you have something to be thankful for.

I just recently made another movie of pictures for my family in Florida. In editing it I viewed hundreds of pictures of the kids and my lovely lady, I felt the overwellming feeling of gratitude for what God has given me. Family, my Familia, Los ninos. All the love and special moments we've shared in our adventurous ride called life. God is so good to us and yet we tend to forget He's even around.

Fall, the air has turned cold and there's crispness in the yard. I know it's fall because I see the annual venue of Camoflauge pants and deer horns parading through town. Time to have a bon fire and relax. Park the tie for flannel and snuggle up to the fire. Smores (I hear people actually eat these things, what a waste of energy:) roast them. Fill the crock pot with Chile and relax.

I'll end with this old saying I love: Everyday is a choice. You choose if today will be a good day or a bad one.

"This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. What I do today is important because I’m exchanging a day of my life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, leaving in its place something that I have traded for it. I want it to be gain, not loss; good, not evil; success, not failure; in order that I shall not regret the price I paid for it. May I have sufficient wisdom and courage that this shall be my record for today."

Quote from Og Mandino 'The greatest salesman in the world'

Remember Look up, Live life, and be thankful!!!


Hope in the Dark

Article published Dec. 30, 2009 Meade County Messenger Hope in the Dark by Kevin Hatfield Radio transmission… (Widowmaker main…Widow...