Wow!!! Where to begin the month was full of trips all across Pennsylvania, as has been the constant theme for this summer, but what do you do with your spare time. I personally choose to make the best of it and go on an excursion. The first stop on one of my latest three day trips was in York, PA to the Harley Davidson plant. Two co workers and I went for a visit and a tour of the plant where they make the Dyna family and the Touring family like the Roadking and Ultra Classics. It was pretty interesting to see them pieced together and look at the 2008 models roll off the line.
The next stop was on top of Pittsburgh courtesy of the Duquesne Incline. For the marvelous price of $3.50 you can ride the incline to the top and come back down to the parking lot. The incline looks much like a
Then the third day of our trip we travelled 200 miles North to Niagara Falls, NY for a day of relaxation, RIGHT!! We no sooner got to the hotel that be jumped out of the truck donned the back pack and headed to the Niagara Reser
Personal News: We finally moved into the new house. After enough $ of new carpet to bankrupt the government and new paint in the kids rooms we are in, well mostly. We still have some things in the old house, and in storage yet but we are living there. The fridge is still at the old house, so Felicia is using the garage fridge in the garage for now till I can get back home to move the big one (Please pray in some help to move it).
Kids start school again on Thursday. They are both excited and ready to go back, at least till the first alarm goes off at 6am Thursday morning.
We are so thankful for all the help we have had during this moving out and in period. We appreciate everyone so much and will have a cook out when we get settled and time permits. God bless each of you and may he guide your path everyday.
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