I spent today relaxing and spending time with the family, or La familia to my Latino friends. We went canoeing with a local outfitter http://www.cavecountrycanoe.com on blue river in Milltown, IN. Funny thing about canoeing, you're never really sure how the day will turn out. I think it went really well, at least it did in my canoe. The other canoe, found it's own problems as the day progressed.
Felicia and I each took a canoe and a daughter and headed down river. The weather was good today for such a trip, a balmy 75 degrees, the water temperature was cool but not cold. Just about perfect, so to speak. We talked, we laughed, we splashed, and we sang.
Shortly after a swim, the day began to turn. It started with a change in the weather from sunny to cloudy, and eventually a light rain. But that even wasn't bad as far as I'm concerned. As we passed through one of the rapids along this journey, my wife encountered a rock about mid way in the canoe. Which led to her demise and another short swim. Only this time it filled her canoe with water and drowned everything she had in it. Even the dog wasn't happy about the circumstances. But that's canoeing on blue river, sometimes you paddle, sometimes you just ride,
As we paddled we had a chance to reflect on today. To summarize, life is full of choices. Each day brings it's own challenges much like the river. Many days are just a simple smooth ride down stream, but some days bring turmoil and problems. I took today's circumstances to talk to the kids about working through problems, keeping a level head, and making good decisions. We all make mistakes like not avoiding the rock, but we learn from them and try to do better next time. To 'steer' in the right direction.
Today ended my first week with the new team, and although I'm not settled in yet, I've made up my mind to approach this change like many I've made before. To have a positive attitude, and do my best. To build new relationships and stop crying over those that have ended. To grow and learn, but also to share and teach. All we have is who we are and the time we are given. I decided to make the most of it. Jim Rohn a motivational speaker once said in a speech that "life is like the ocean, the wind is always blowing, there will always be the rise and fall of the waves. Don't ask for better wind, that's naive, set a better sail." So I set a better sail.
The trip ended with the four of us cold and wet (five if you include the dog, which we always do), heading home with the memories of a Saturday afternoon spent canoeing blue river. But deep down I felt it was something more. Today was spent on the river in a canoe, but we each learned our own life's lesson. We invested time in each other and to me that's a good investment.
Through my years as a salesman I kept a philosophy taped to my desk that I read every morning. I think it keeps life in perspective. This will clearify how if feel about my day today, and it's worth sharing.
"This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. What I do today is important because I’m exchanging a day of my life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, leaving in its place something that I have traded for it. I want it to be gain, not loss; good, not evil; success, not failure; in order that I shall not regret the price I paid for it. May I have sufficient wisdom and courage that this shall be my record for today." ~Og Mandino
Remember Look up, Live life, and Be thankful