Menu was all heart friendly:
- Grilled Gary burgers seasoned over charcoal
- Creek potatoes with bacon, butter, garlic, and Chantal's special ingredients.
- Deep fried fish ala Quentin
- Lipator by Dr. Kris
- Eggs, bacon, and Sausage courtesy of Shiela
- Pancakes, Felicia's specialty
- More Lipator
- And of course Coffee Bro. Eddie style. I've discover the flavor of Black!!
There was about 30 of us total, we covered the better part of one whole cul de sac. Kids everywhere and about 400 used soda cans. It was great!
The girls had a blast at the lake and running around with
We had a great time sitting around the campfire talking and fellowship. It's good to get away from life for a while and relax. I personally tried to wear out my camping chair to no avail. Felicia has decided camping was meant to be done at the Holiday Inn. She did really well for roughing it, with a fan, an air matress, and sleeping near the camp facilities of a shower and a bathroom.
The men's shower was blessed by the neighborhood "logger", Jacob found the evidence in the shower. Felicia decided all men are just nasty animals and this is proof, myself excluded of course, I'm perfect for those of you who didn't know.
I did get some quiet time to study for some friends wedding that I was in today. I shared some Jewish history about weddings and the relationship between Jesus and the Church. My first official act of ministry since becoming lisenced. It was an honor to bless friends at such a special moment in there lives.
Sunday school: I talked about the need for prayer in my ongoing series "Living the basics". People need to get back to the basics in life, the song 'Cry out to Jesus' sheds some verses on this subject, 'when you feel lonely, and it seems like the whole world is fallin on you, you must reach out, you must cry out to Jesus' if we only gave God half the time we should we would all be better off. I've made a commitment to myself to pray more. To change things in my life so I can be a better person, to impact and help other people along the way. If we have the ability to reach out and do not we are no worse than the priest who walked by the hurting man in the parable of the Good Samaritan. We can make a difference in the lives of the people we are around. A word of encouragement, an ear to listen, a hand to help bare the load. Life is short, make the most of the time you have, leaving nothing to regret.
Remember Live life, Look up, and be thankful!!!